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Women’s History Month | Darcy Locke
Mar 20, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. Most Important Lesson The most important lesson I’ve learned throughout my career is the value of resilience and adaptability. The financial services industry is fast-paced and ever-evolving, which means challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Embracing change and learning from […]

Giving Credit Getting Harder
Mar 19, 2024

A new survey from the New York Federal Reserve indicates that U.S. consumers are growing increasingly pessimistic about their ability to access most forms of credit.  You can read the Fed survey here.  While the Fed survey focuses on insecurity around home mortgages and vehicle financing, it reinforces a recent Bankrate reportthat examined the broader […]

Women’s History Month | Kim Gershon
Mar 19, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. What has been the most important lesson?  Understanding it is ok to make a mistake.  It’s how you respond that matters. And to get out of my head. Things are never as bad as you think they are; understand […]

Women’s History Month | Robyn Jordan
Mar 18, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. I’ve spent the last 25 years leading the people organization across retail, supply chain, hospitality and most recently financial services (which has been the best so far)! What has been the most important lesson? Early in my career I […]

Women’s History Month | Anne Kline
Mar 15, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. What has been the most important lesson? Learn to accept feedback constructively and use it to further your personal development. Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career? Yes. Fortunately, I had several. They taught […]

AFSA Testified on DIDMCA Opt-Out
Mar 15, 2024

On March 13, AFSA’s Senior Vice President, Danielle Arlowe, testified before the District of Columbia’s committee in opposition to DC B25-0609. Why it matters: This bill would opt-out the state from the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA). DIDMCA introduced parity for state banks, stipulating that state-chartered banks with federal insurance […]

AFSA’s Credit Reporting Opt-In Letter
Mar 15, 2024

Last week, AFSA’s State Government Affairs team sent a comment letter to the West Virginia Senate regarding WV HB 4381 on credit reporting opt-ins. In the letter, AFSA focuses on HB 4381’s mandate that consumers explicitly opt in for each disclosure or sale of their personally identifiable financial information by a credit reporting agency (CRA), […]

What is “Risk to Consumer”?
Mar 15, 2024

Earlier this month, the CFPB responded to a bipartisan Congressional letter seeking the Bureau’s definition of the term “risk to consumer” for certain nonbank entities in the Bureau’s Supervisory Authority. While we appreciate that the CFPB responded, it did not provide substantive clarity on the central question surrounding risk. Interestingly, the CFPB’s initial motive for this rulemaking was […]

Women’s History Month | Marguerite Watanabe
Mar 14, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. What has been the most important lesson? I am so grateful for my mother helping me lay the foundation for a strong work ethic. She taught me the importance of being accountable, supporting others, being a team player and […]

Women’s History Month | Valerie Tolhurst
Mar 14, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. What has been the most important lesson? As a Human Resources professional, the biggest lesson I learned was to learn all I can about the business and how it runs operationally and financially. Being financially literate, being able to […]

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