A lame-duck session of Congress occurs whenever one Congress meets after its successor is elected, but before the successor’s term begins. In current practice this means any meeting of Congress after Election Day, but before the next Congress convenes the following January, is a lame-duck session.
Despite the moniker, Congress still has its full powers to act from the Wednesday after Election Day until January, when the new Congress reconvenes. In fact, especially when power is changing in a chamber from one party to another, this truncated time period provides impetus for a slew of votes on nominees or legislation that will likely not pass once power changes hands.
For example, after Democrats won control of the Senate in 2020, there were 28 nominations confirmed. Similarly, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is currently lining up nomination votes, including nine judicial nominations this week. Since the House does not have any advice and consent powers, it is more limited in what it can achieve in a lame-duck session.
In the financial services policy world, the lame-duck focus will be on outbound investment reform, de minimus crackdown, and crypto. Both chambers will still hold hearings related to financial services, including the House Financial Services hearing this week with FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg in attendance. Chair Gruenberg has said he will resign on January 19.
During the hearing, FDIC Chairman Gruenberg, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Barr, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Acting Comptroller Hsu committed that their agencies (the FDIC, the Fed, and the OCC) would not finalize any “major rulemakings” prior to a new administration. Director Chopra of the CFPB has not made a similar statement.
A lame-duck session of Congress occurs whenever one Congress meets after its successor is elected, but before the successor’s term begins. In current practice this means any meeting of Congress after Election Day, but before… Read the rest
Join the discussion with an outstanding lineup of speakers offering invaluable insights on the fast-evolving vehicle-finance landscape, tackling pressing topics, and highlighting potential challenges, opportunities, and innovative… Read the rest
AFSA’s State Government Affairs team released their 2024 Post-Election Report. The 2024 elections saw key shifts in state-level power, with Republicans making significant gains, including flipping Michigan’s House and narrowing… Read the rest
In the week since the election, President-elect Trump has been announcing Cabinet nominees and presidential appointments. The nominee for CFPB Director has not yet been announced, and, even when announced, will not be able to take office… Read the rest

“Industry Expertise” is sponsored content produced by AFSA’s Business Partners’ to provide thought leadership and best practices for AFSA member companies. For more information about this sponsored content opportunity, contact Dan … Read the rest

“Industry Expertise” is sponsored content produced by AFSA’s Business Partners’ to provide thought leadership and best practices for AFSA member companies. For more information about this sponsored content opportunity, contact Dan … Read the rest
Last week, AFSA’s State Government Affairs released its November white paper on reverse mortgages and how legislation and regulations have imposed changes for consumers.
The origin of reverse mortgages began in 1987 when the Home Equity… Read the rest
Although the 2024 presidential race was the focal point of Tuesday’s general election, it was not the only key contest. Legislative elections took place in 44 states, and AFSA’s State Government Affairs team closely monitored those … Read the rest
While votes are still being tabulated in some House of Representatives races, both the Senate and the Presidential election have been called for Republicans. President-elect Donald Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote.… Read the rest
Last week, the Treasury Department released their Financial Inclusion Report. AFSA responded to the RFI at the time it was released, emphasizing action that AFSA members take to encourage financial literacy and suggested that further work… Read the rest