American Financial Services Association - Mitigating risks with F&I aftermarket products and cancellations
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Mitigating risks with F&I aftermarket products and cancellations

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With 25% of aftermarket products cancelled before loan terms end, and 46 states mandating lenders process refunds in a timely and accurate manner, what are you doing to stay compliant?

Join us on September 12 at 2 p.m. ET for Mitigating Risks with F&I Aftermarket Products & Cancellations presented by Dealertrack Lending Solutions.

Federal and state regulators have intensified their examination of auto lending practices relating to F&I products. Several public cases have shown the reputational risk faced by lenders when F&I product cancellation refunds to consumers are not handled properly.

The webinar will cover:

· Best practices used by lenders to increase and accelerate recoveries of F&I product cancellation refunds

· Examples of industry-wide collaboration between lenders, F&I product providers and dealerships

· Steps that lenders are taking to strengthen their compliance programs relative to F&I products


Mitigating risks with F&I aftermarket products and cancellations
Aug 28, 2019

With 25% of aftermarket products cancelled before loan terms end, and 46 states mandating lenders process refunds in a timely and accurate manner, what are you doing to stay compliant?

Join us on September 12 at 2 p.m. ET for Mitigating RisksRead the rest

AFSA Comment Letter Expresses Concern on Nevada Law
Aug 27, 2019

AFSA’s State Government Affairs team sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Nevada Financial Institutions Division on SB 311 as a follow up to an in-person meeting with the division on August 22nd. Effective October 1, SB 311 would Read the rest

AFSA IT Maintenance August 28th
Aug 22, 2019

AFSA will be making important IT infrastructure upgrades beginning at 6:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, August 28. The AFSA website and social media accounts will not be impacted. However, AFSA staff will have intermittent access to their workstations… Read the rest

AFSA Welcomes Jason Riley at Annual Meeting
Aug 21, 2019

The AFSA Annual Meeting is right around the corner, and we are pleased to announce that The Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley will be a keynote speaker to our attendees. Riley, an award-winning editorial board member of The Wall StreetRead the rest

Delaware State Fund Highlights Importance of Financial Education
Aug 21, 2019

The Delaware Bank Commissioner this week will award $340,000 to schools, non-profits, and community organizations to fund financial literacy courses, according to a report from Delaware Public Media. The state last distributed financial-literacy… Read the rest

Back to School with AFSA Webinars
Aug 19, 2019

As the summer winds down and kids head back to school, it's a great time to reengage on the issues and opportunities facing the consumer credit industry. AFSA webinars are a great way to jump back in and get informed. Complimentary to AFSA… Read the rest

Federal Housing Finance Agency Releases Credit Score Model Rule
Aug 16, 2019

On August 13, 2019 the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released a final credit score rule for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the GSEs). This rule implements requirement that were enacted as part of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief,Read the rest

Policymakers move to protect servicemembers
Aug 15, 2019

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Arkansas attorney general’s recent settlement with Andrew Gamber and the three companies he owned and operated – Voyager Financial Group LLC, BAIC Inc. and SoBell Corp. –… Read the rest

WSJ article outlines danger of debt “settlement” companies
Aug 15, 2019

Last week, The Wall Street Journal published an article (may be behind the paywall) entitled “That Offer to Make You Debt-Free? It Can Make You Worse Off.” The piece detailed the unethical practices that the debt-settlement … Read the rest

AFSA SGA hits the road
Aug 14, 2019

Last week, AFSA State Government Affairs attended the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR) 30th Annual Regulatory Conference in San Diego, California. The annual conference provides an opportunity for industry… Read the rest

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