American Financial Services Association - CFPB Director Highlights Role in Financial Education
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CFPB Director Highlights Role in Financial Education

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In an interview published last week with Yahoo! Finance, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Kathy Kraninger placed a spotlight on her agency’s increased focus on financial education.

Kraninger told Yahoo that she is “proud of the agency’s work on educating U.S. consumers about healthy saving habits.”
“Savings is the unique aspect that really helps people in their financial well-being,” Kraninger said in a video of her discussion with Yahoo! Finance editors.

The AFSA Education Foundation has long focused on educating consumers on personal finance concepts including savings and helping them realize the benefits of responsible money management while gaining a better understanding of the credit process. In fact, the AFSA Education Foundation was one of the first to launch an online personal finance curriculum. MoneySKILL® helps students become more financially savvy. Since its inception more than one million users have had access to a healthier financial future. In 2020 the foundation will celebrate 30 years of working to achieve the mantra that an informed or educated consumer is a good consumer. MoneySKILL® features 37 modules on a variety of topics ranging from auto financing to investing. The AFSA Education Foundation website also offers a suite of additional resources and tools for consumers to access.

AFSA is pleased to see the CFPB leadership’s focus on empowering consumers through financial literacy programs and is doing its part to support that effort.

CFPB Director Highlights Role in Financial Education
Nov 25, 2019

In an interview published last week with Yahoo! Finance, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Kathy Kraninger placed a spotlight on her agency’s increased focus on financial education.

Kraninger told Yahoo that

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A Message from the AFSA Education Foundation
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LISTEN | AFSA Extra Credit Podcast with Simon Keymer
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NCLC’s Flawed Debt Collection Report
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AFSA Extra Credit Podcast EXTRA | Danielle Fagre Arlowe on Misguided NCLC Report
Nov 19, 2019

In this EXTRA, AFSA Senior Vice President Danielle Fagre Arlowe talks about the recent report from the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). We point out some of the areas where the report falls short and talk about AFSA's response. You … Read the rest

Is China in the Driver’s Seat? | AFSA Vehicle Finance Conference & Expo
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AFSA Members, Staff Featured in 2019 Women in Auto Finance
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More Efficiency, Less Risk: new facets to auto loan portfolio management
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Join us on Wednesday December 11 at 2:00 p.m. ET for More Efficiency, Less Risk: new facets to auto loan portfolio management, presented by Experian.

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The Rest of the Story on the WSJ’s Debt Consolidation Article
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