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AFSA Comments on New York Legislation Removing Early Lease Termination Liability in the Event of Death
Jun 20, 2019

On June 20, AFSA submitted a comment letter to the New York legislature raising concerns about AB 2078 and its companion SB 4019, which would remove liability for the early termination of a lease in the event of a lessee’s death. The bills are on the calendar for consideration on the Assembly floor on the final day of the session before the legislature recesses for the year.

FTC Privacy Con to Focus on Privacy, Breaches
Jun 19, 2019

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is holding its fourth annual PrivacyCon on June 27, 2019.

SMS e-Signature for Electronic Documents Webinar
Jun 17, 2019

Join us on June 27th at 2 p.m. ET for SMS for e-Signature and Electronic Documents presented by D’Lange Mobile.

AFSA Attends CFPB Advisory Committee Meeting
Jun 06, 2019

AFSA attended and participated in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Consumer Advisory Board meetings held June 5th and 6th in Washington. The focus of the meeting was on broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. Sessions included information exchange on trends I the consumer reporting marketplace and discussion of the 2018 Consumer Response Annual Report, among many other topics.

FCCs Passes Robocall Rules, Likely Includes Safety Valve
Jun 06, 2019

Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday announced that proposed rules governing robocalls would likely contain a “safety valve” in order to ensure that legitimate businesses like financial services companies can still reach consumers. The Commission passed the proposed rule this afternoon.

Calling all industry leaders; AFSAEF UNC Leadership Program registration open
Jun 05, 2019

Each year since the mid-1980s, the AFSA Education Foundation offers two important enrichment programs for employees of member companies. Registration for the 2019 edition of The EDGE program is now closed. However, there’s still time to register for the Leadership Development Program on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, July 13 through July 20.

AFSA Publishes State Payday Lending Database White Paper
Jun 04, 2019

This week, AFSA’s State Government Affairs Team published their white paper on state payday lending databases. Many states have passed laws requiring payday lenders to submit information about their customers to a database system. Some states have sought to expand this database requirement to traditional installment lenders, which is unnecessary given the already-thorough regulatory environment in which they operate. The white paper takes a deep dive into the history of payday lending database legislation and the negative effects of expanding them to traditional installment lenders. This month’s white paper, as well as SGA’s previous white papers, is also available under the State Resources section of AFSA’s website.

AFSA Webinar Today! Repo on the Rise: 3 things for motor vehicle lenders to consider today
May 30, 2019

Join us today at 2 p.m. ET for Repo on the Rise: 3 things for motor vehicle lenders to consider today.

The Impact of Consumers in the Auto Space
May 30, 2019

Consumer preference trends are having a significant impact on the auto industry. Manufacturers are adapting to these preferences while also making vehicles that are more durable as well as preparing for environmental regulations. These trends transcend the market, present opportunities and challenges for lenders and the market at-large. Industry experts will unpack these complexities at the 2019 Summit for Fixed Income Investors at the Westin New York at Times Square on June 13, 2019.

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