RSM will present the results of its annual financial performance survey for AFSA Independents and other independently held finance companies across the United States. The results will include current trends for growth, funding, leverage, profitability, income, and expenses. RSM consultants can help you identify potential areas for improved profitability for your company based on the survey results.

Rev Up Your Results With RSM Insights
Apr 14, 2021
RSM will present the results of its annual financial performance survey for AFSA Independents and other independently held finance companies across the United States. The results will include current trends for growth, funding, leverage,… Read the rest
AFSAEF Launches New MoneySKILL Personal Finance Courses on AFSA University
Apr 13, 2021
The AFSA Education Foundation is pleased to announce the release of three new MoneySKILL® personal finance courses on the AFSA University training and education platform. In addition to important compliance training, companies that subscribe… Read the rest
LISTEN | Tips & Tricks for Successful Comms Strategies w/ Lane Borrello
Apr 13, 2021
In this episode of the AFSA Extra Credit Podcast we talk with Lane Borrello, Vice President of Public Affairs with GM Financial. Lane shares some of the tips she’s picked up during her career leading the comms shop for a number of large companies.… Read the rest
AFSA Letter: Banning Arbitration is Bad for Consumers
Apr 12, 2021
Today, the American Financial Services Association (AFSA) submitted a letter to the top ranking Democratic and Republican leaders on the House Judiciary Committee in opposition to legislation banning pre-dispute arbitration for servicemembers… Read the rest
TODAY @ 3p ET | Inaugural Women’s Forum Mentoring Event
Apr 08, 2021

Join us on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. CT / 1:00 p.m. MT / 12:00 p.m. PT) for the Inaugural Women’s Forum Mentoring Event!
Everyone is welcome to join us with THIS LINK.… Read the rest
The WSJ Did Not Try to Get it Right….We Set the Record Straight
Apr 07, 2021
A news article published this week in The Wall Street Journal claims that U.S. consumers in the subprime credit tier are beginning to fall behind on their auto loans. While the article presents data, it doesn’t explain the … Read the rest
Supreme Court Sides With AFSA, Trades in TCPA Case
Apr 06, 2021
In a much-anticipated ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously narrowed the scope of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). AFSA and other trade associations submitted an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to take a more common-sense… Read the rest
LISTEN | Dr. Carly Urban & Rhonda Ashburn on the Success of MoneySkill
Apr 06, 2021
In this episode of the AFSA Extra Credit Podcast, we’re joined by Dr. Carly Urban and AFSAEF Executive Director to talk about a new study that found that students using the MoneySKILL program increased their financial knowledge… Read the rest
Fair Lending, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: The CFPB ECOA Rule
Apr 05, 2021
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued an interpretive rule clarifying that prohibitions on sex discrimination in the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) include discrimination relating to sexual orientation and gender… Read the rest
New Study Finds MoneySKILL Leads to 60% Increase in Financial Knowledge
Apr 05, 2021
New research released today by the American Financial Services Association Education Foundation (AFSA Education Foundation) reveals that MoneySKILL — a free financial education program primarily for middle school through college … Read the rest