American Financial Services Association - Harnessing the Power of Play
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American Financial Services Association

Harnessing the Power of Play

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Yu-Kai Chou sees the world very differently from the rest of us. But similar to all of us, he thought about what his typical day was like and realized it was divided into two parts: what he had to do (work) and what he wanted to do (play).

His vision was to play all day and to help the world harness the power of play. That is how he invented the concept of Gamification pronounced (game-i-fication). He defines Gamification as: “the craft of taking from the exciting elements of games and putting those elements into non-game context.” For example, he worked with children’s cancer researchers and hospitals to create a game app that would give child cancer patients the ability to describe their symptoms and pain on a game app. They “play” with other children with cancer in other parts of the world.

The children, through gamification, are able to assist cancer researchers in their fight against the causes of cancer in children. According to his research on “gamers” the average age of gamers is 35, but at least 70% are over the age of 18. “That means everyone could be a gamer,” he says. “Our clients, employees, children are potential gamers or could already be one.”

Chou will be speaking at the AFSA’s 22nd annual Vehicle Finance Conference and Expo on Tuesday, March 20. There is still time to register for the conference.

Harnessing the Power of Play
Mar 06, 2018

Yu-Kai Chou sees the world very differently from the rest of us. But similar to all of us, he thought about what his typical day was like and realized it was divided into two parts: what he had to do (work) and what he wanted to do (play).

His vision… Read the rest

AFSA Board of Directors Changes
Mar 06, 2018

The AFSA Board of Directors has unanimously approved the election of Gary McQuain to the AFSA Board of Directors. He is replacing Bob Bloom on the Board. Bob will remain on the Executive Committee until September 30, 2018.

McQuain is currently… Read the rest

AFSA Comments on New York City Proposed Rules for Secondhand Auto Dealers
Feb 28, 2018

On February 28, AFSA submitted a comment letter to the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs regarding the Department’s proposed rulesfor secondhand auto dealers. The proposed rules would implement Local Laws 197 and 198 of… Read the rest

Mulvaney Jabs Warren for Lack of ‘Civil Discourse’ in Payday Loan Debate
Feb 26, 2018

Mick Mulvaney, acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), sent a letter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) defending himself against accusations that the bureau's actions on payday lending curbs under hisRead the rest

Compliance Considerations: Federal Reserve Board Seeks Comments on Reg. M Proposed Rule
Feb 15, 2018

Philip Bohi, VP Compliance Education

On January 3, 2018, the Federal Reserve Board (“Board”) issued for public comment a Proposed Rule affecting Consumer Leasing Regulation M (“Reg. M”). But, you may observe,… Read the rest

Preparing for your state exam: experts offer pragmatic advice
Feb 15, 2018

Some state examiners feel that multi-state exams are a more efficient process today than they were several years ago. The question is: are they better for industry? Some say worse; others say better. But all agree, there are still some drawbacks… Read the rest

AFSA Education Foundation to Survey Members About Financial Education Offerings
Feb 14, 2018

As an industry, we understand the importance of personal financial education and, yet, we know there is opportunity to do so much more. To that end, the AFSA Education Foundation Board is committed to ensuring that it is easy and impactful for… Read the rest

AFSA Launches Enhanced Industry Buyers Guide
Feb 07, 2018

AFSA is pleased to announce its newly enhanced Online Industry Buyer’s Guide that is prominently displayed on AFSA’s Homepage. The Guide provides contact information and identifies the products and services provided by AFSA’s… Read the rest

Registration Open for AFSAEF’s The EDGE and the UNC Leadership program!
Feb 06, 2018

Registration has opened for the American Financial Services Association Education Foundation’s (AFSAEF) THE EDGE program. THE EDGE provides high quality training for branch managers and team leaders by providing layered modules… Read the rest

Ron Insana provides entertaining, non-stop commentary
Feb 05, 2018

AFSA’s first ever Law & Compliance conference closed last week with Ron Insana offering his unique perspectives on the economy, Washington and the global geo-political challenges facing the United States. Insana is a contributor… Read the rest

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