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Economist, author, adviser Moore headlines Law & Compliance Symposium

Economist, author, adviser Moore headlines Law & Compliance Symposium

Stephen Moore, author, economist and former Wall Street Journal Editorial Board member, headlines the second annual AFSA Law and Compliance Symposium, March 5-7 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Moore today is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project Economic Growth, at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. He served as an advisor on the economy to the Trump 2016 Campaign and has co-authored a book with Arthur Laffer called “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy”

At the Heritage Foundation, he focuses on advancing public policies that increase the rate of economic growth to help the United States retain its position as an economic global superpower.

Moore has addressed AFSA conferences in the past, his most recent visit in October 2017 at the association’s annual meeting when he shared the podium with former congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) who was serving as the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and retired at the end of the last session of Congress.

At the Wall Street Journal he was the senior economics writer for the editorial board, covering Washington policy debates and state issues.

In the postscript to their book “Trumponomics” written last summer, Moore and Laffer look at the U.S, economy and how it has performed under Trump’s presidency and policies and describe it as “firing on all cylinders and is as healthy as it has been in 20 years. But we know from decades of experience that the economy is fickle and can turn on a dime, due to a multitude of factors, not the least of which is a trade war. Even more topsy-turvy is the stock market.”

Looking back on their time as part of a team of advisors who helped devise Trump’s economic policy, Moore and Laffer write: “…so far Trumponomics is working. It is working so well that even we are amazed at the American economic transformation – both at the speed and the heights of the rebound.”

Moore addresses the AFSA Law and Compliance Symposium Thursday, March 7, as the keynote speaker at the closing luncheon.

February 20th, 2019

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