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American Financial Services Association

Compliance Tech the Focus of Upcoming AFSA Webinar

Compliance Tech the Focus of Upcoming AFSA Webinar

Join AFSA on Tuesday, May 15 at 2 p.m. ET for Bottom Up Compliance Technology presented by defi SOLUTIONS.

Adding compliance as an afterthought or feature does not offer lenders the robust compliance needed in today’s regulatory world. Compliance needs to be built from the ground up. This program will help lenders learn what the latest technology has to offer to increase compliance while decreasing cost. Presenters include: Branan Cooper, Chief Risk Officer, vanminder; Lana Johnson, Chief Technology Officer, defi SOLUTIONS; and, Brian Larson, Consumer Lending Expert, Compli.

AFSA members can register for this and other upcoming webinars via the Webinar Resource Center.

AFSA's Business Partner Webinar series allows industry experts to share timely, educational topics directly with AFSA members. The webinars are designed to provide information that will allow AFSA members to more effectively design, develop and implement strategies for their companies’ success. If you are a Business Partner and interested in participating, review the Business Partner Webinar Flyer for more information.

May 3rd, 2018

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