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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Joins #UnitedForPrivacy

AFSA Joins #UnitedForPrivacy

Today, the American Financial Services Association joined a diverse, multi-industry effort #UnitedForPrivacy , calling on Congress and the Biden Administration to pass bipartisan, federal privacy legislation.  

The effort includes 19 different trade associations, as well as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 81 regional Chambers of Commerce.  

A state-by-state privacy-policy patchwork is a drag on consumers, small businesses, and our economy — undermining innovation and consumer trust, while hurting America’s ability to compete in the global economy. Forcing businesses and entrepreneurs to comply with 50 different sets of data privacy regulations costs hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be used for research and development, innovation, and job creation. 

We need a national privacy law that protects consumers and gives them certainty that their data is being protected no matter where they live.  Businesses need clarity on their responsibilities, so that they meet the needs of consumers. Learn more about the #UnitedForPrivacy campaign here 

January 14th, 2022

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