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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Joins Sister Trades in Providing Feedback to FCC on Revocation Rule

AFSA Joins Sister Trades in Providing Feedback to FCC on Revocation Rule

Last week, AFSA joined the American Bankers Association,  ACA International, America’s Credit Unions, and the Mortgage Bankers Association (the Trades) on a call with senior FCC staff to discuss proposed TCPA rules.  These rules, which are scheduled to go into effect on April 11, 2025, would make any consumer revocation of consent for telephone calls or text messages an absolute prohibition on all telephone calls or text messages.  The Trades explained that this approach is too draconian and would have negative consequences for consumers and creditors alike.  A consumer who requests to stop receiving a telephone call that is marketing-related, for example, may not want to stop receiving all calls or texts relating to the consumer’s account.  And some consumers may have a few different accounts with a creditor, and terminating calls and texts for one account would terminate communications across the consumer’s entire relationship with the creditor.  The Trades also explained that given the complexity of communications involving multiple internal business units or external vendors, cutting off text and cell communications is not as simple as might be expected.

The Trades urged the FCC to waive this rule for an additional year to provide additional time for review and analysis.  Today, the FCC issued a public notice asking for comments from interested parties regarding FCC rules that pose unnecessary regulatory burdens.  AFSA will prepare comments highlighting the negative effects of the TCPA revocation rules on consumers and ask for relief.

March 12th, 2025

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