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American Financial Services Association

December Featured Business Partner | Four Questions with DataScan

December Featured Business Partner | Four Questions with DataScan

The featured AFSA Business Partner for December is Datascan. We asked them a few questions about the value of AFSA membership and some of the opportunities or challenges they face in 2023. Learn more at

What are some key initiatives for your clients in 2023 that you are planning to support?

As inventories rise and our economy continues to be unpredictable, we expect our Clients to be focused on dealer and inventory risk. DataScan has significantly invested in providing cost-effective solutions for reviewing dealer risk with our newest solution, DataCision, and will continue to evolve the inventory audit process with another exciting solution we will announce in 2023.

What’s the best part about being an AFSA Business Partner?

The best thing about partnering with AFSA is that even though commercial and wholesale lending is not part of the AFSA charter, they understand that supporting this segment of the industry is very important to the ecosystem. In doing so, AFSA becomes the partner of choice for DataScan.

What’s one thing about life and/or business that you have learned from your clients?

Without question, we have learned that to be successful, you must have both excellent product delivery and proactive customer service. The relationship is doomed if you are a “bunch of nice guys” but fall short on the product or the other way around.

What might people be surprised to know about your company?

DataScan is a small, big company. People are consistently surprised that we have a robust market share in wholesale lending solutions with just 140 office and 300 field associates.

December 1st, 2022

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