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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Outlines Priorities in NDAA

AFSA Outlines Priorities in NDAA

AFSA sent a letter to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee regarding the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) legislation for 2022.

The NDAA, which must pass Congress every year, is currently in process; the House has completed its version but the Senate is still working on theirs.  Both chambers will have to come to consensus on what is contained in the final package before the end of the year.

AFSA’s letter outlined concerns with some provisions of the House NDAA.  The letter spoke out against provisions dealing with arbitration limitations, noting that arbitration often yields more monetary relief for consumers.

The letter also cautioned against a provision that would limit creditworthiness for servicemembers by giving an inaccurate assessment of the servicemembers’ credit; this in turn would increase expenses for servicemembers in obtaining loans, forcing them to borrow at higher costs with less financial flexibility.

Despite the serious concerns with certain provisions of the NDAA, AFSA also noted several provisions it supports, including electronic notarization and provisions emphasizing that no legal businesses should be unfairly targeted because of political bias.

The House and Senate will continue to work on NDAA, aiming to pass the bill before the end of the year.  AFSA will continue to advocate to ensure that helpful provisions remain in NDAA while harmful legislation stays out of the final bill.

October 20th, 2021

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