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American Financial Services Association

Back to School

Back to School

The end of summer is always a bit of a letdown for kids everywhere – no more long days at the pool with friends or summer camp. No more waking up late, regardless of the day of the week. No more beach. No more procrastinating on summer reading or start-of-school projects. It’s back to school … or depending on the pandemic’s effect … something approximating it.  In the same vein – assuming kids are actually, you know, leaving the house for school – parent are probably looking forward to the end of summer.

But it’s important to recall that whether the kids will once again be “attending” classes virtually or in actual classrooms, many of the same financial stress points for a household remain.  Parents may no longer be able to work from home, requiring help with childcare.  The costs for new schoolbooks, backpacks, notebooks, binders, athletic gear, and perhaps new computer hardware or software may be on the shopping list.  It all adds up.

Every parent wants their children to have the tools they need to succeed. For those who may have subprime credit or no credit, it may be a challenge to pull together the several hundred dollars required to get kids back to school necessities. That’s why, for more than a century, consumers have relied on traditional installment lenders to offer high-quality, affordable consumer credit.

Traditional installment loans are safe, with set monthly payments, have no balloon or hidden fees, and are reported to credit bureaus so that many customers can gain a credit score or rebuild it.  As America gets back to work and back to school, AFSA’s members are ready to help.

August 5th, 2021

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