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American Financial Services Association

AFSA joins with other trades to oppose private right of action in Washington Privacy Act

AFSA joins with other trades to oppose private right of action in Washington Privacy Act

On March 11, AFSA joined with other trade associations, including the Washington State Financial Services Association and Card Coalition to send a letter to the Washington legislature opposing the inclusion of a private right of action in SB 6281, the Washington Privacy Act. The bill was in conference committee to reconcile differences between the bill versions passed by each chamber. Notably, the House version included a private right of action, while the Senate did not.

The joint comment letter emphasized that the bill provides the state attorney general with robust enforcement authority to ensure compliance and that a private right of action would invite unnecessary litigation. AFSA and the other trades' efforts were successful, as the private right of action proved to be a sticking point in the negotiations. With no resolution between the two chambers, SB 6281 died upon adjournment of the legislature on March 12.

AFSA will continue to track privacy legislation across the states and keep members apprised of any developments. Members interested in the issue can access AFSA's consumer privacy legislation chart for a full list of new and moving legislation from this session.

March 16th, 2020

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