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See How Lenders are Improving Collections in 2018
Apr 30, 2018

The world of collections is constantly evolving, with disruptions in the market happening by the day. Driven by advances in everything from payment apps to eCommerce experiences, consumers today are accustomed to paying for goods and services using their favorite methods, simply and securely.

Parscale’s Digital Savvy Paved the Way For Trump’s Road to the White House
Apr 27, 2018

Several years ago, Brad Parscale found himself faced with the biggest challenge of his marketing and advertising career: get Donald Trump elected president.

Changes to the AFSA Board of Directors Leadership
Apr 24, 2018

At its April 24 AFSA Board of Directors meeting, the board unanimously approved the election of Josh Johnson, President & CEO of Mariner Finance, LLC, as the Chairman-Elect of the Board to succeed Ginger Herring, President & CEO, 1st Franklin Financial Corporation at the Annual Meeting in October in Los Angeles. Dale Jones, EVP, The Americas, Global Operations & Quality for Ford Motor Credit Company was elected Vice Chairman & Treasurer.

Senate takes first step in disapproving CFPB vehicle finance guidance
Apr 19, 2018

The Senate yesterday approved S.J. Res. 57 by a 51-47 vote. The vote on the resolution, under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), disapproves of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) 2013 vehicle finance guidance.

AFSA Comments on Illinois Legislation Affecting Vehicle Titles
Apr 19, 2018

On April 19, AFSA’s National Title Solutions Forum (NTSF) submitted a comment letter to the Illinois Senate Transportation Committee in opposition to Senate Bill 2470, which would make changes to the titling and lien release processes for vehicles in Illinois, including requiring that all vehicle titles include an automatic lien expiration date.

AFSA Applauds Senate Passage of S.J. Res 57
Apr 18, 2018

“The vehicle finance market in the United States is a highly-competitive market which benefits consumers as dealers and lenders discount pricing and loan rates to sell and finance new and used vehicles,” said Chris Stinebert, President & CEO of the American Financial Services Association, a trade association representing vehicle finance lenders. “The vote today is in the best interests of the car-buying public.”

Webinar Focuses on Importance of Compliance Vigilance
Apr 18, 2018

On Wednesday, Compli presented “Regulatory Alphabet Soup: As the CFPB evolves, who is watching lenders now?” as part of the AFSA Business Partner Webinar Program. The main takeaway from the webinar: regardless of the changes at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), compliance is of utmost importance.

MoneySKILL® + savvy teacher, students = clean sweep
Apr 17, 2018

This year’s MoneySKILL® Mania financial literacy competition, taking place in high schools across western New York, equaled a clean sweep for Fredonia High School.

AFSA Supports Initiative to Rescind CFPB Guidance on Auto Financing
Apr 12, 2018

On March 22, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) introduced S.J. Res. 57. This legislation has been co-sponsored by 20 Senators. Earlier this week, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) introduced H.J Resolution 132, the House companion to S.J. Res. 57. These two pieces of legislation are unique Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions. As such, these resolutions need only a simple majority to pass and cannot be filibustered in the Senate.

Regulatory Alphabet Soup: Get to Know the Players Tapping in for the CFPB
Apr 10, 2018

As Acting Director Mick Mulvaney has stated, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) appears to be discarding its former governing philosophy of “pushing the envelope” through aggressive prosecution, and embracing a more case-by-case approach to enforcement.

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