American Financial Services Association - Wisdom in the Desert
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American Financial Services Association

Wisdom in the Desert

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The 2022 Independent Conference & Expo officially kicked off today in Palm Springs. Attendees participated in committee meetings and networking events beginning with the AFSAPAC President’s Club event on Monday. AFSA members stepped up BIG time to support the AFSAPAC and AFSA Education Foundation during the Fiesta Celebration and PAC Auction.

Wednesday saw plenty of informative sessions that tackled issues from federal and state activities to cultivating a rock star attitude. Conference Keynote, “Marvelless” Mark Kamp, gave our attendees the four Rockstar Principles (Chords) that would help improve business performance: Dreams, Change, Band, and Action.

The Policy Power Hour with AFSA’s Senior Vice Presidents Danielle Arlowe and Celia Winslow gave us insightful views on the goings on in Washington and in capitals around the country, drilling down on federal, state, and legal issues affecting the consumer credit marketplace.

AFSA’s Chief Economist, Perc Pineda, and Professor Tom Miller, Jr., of Mississippi State University outlined new data on the Illinois rate cap and consumer credit trends that have been shaping the national economy. A notable stat: personal savings rates from 2015 to 2021 increased from 7.6% to 12.0% despite an economic turndown.

We closed Wednesday with a stacked CEO panel featuring Rex Ellison, President and CEO of Republic Finance, LLC, Ginger Herring, President and CEO of 1st Franklin Financial and Dan Walters, CEO of Credit Central, LLC,. AFSA President & CEO Bill Himpler, President and CEO moderated the discussion.

These industry leaders shared their insights on how they’ve adapted their management and operations within the past year due to the changing consumer and economic environments.

The ultimate responsibility of a leadership team is to provide a sense of calm during a time of uncertainty to both the customer and team members.

We’ll review Thursday’s sessions and go deep on each in the AFSA Blog and Capital Notes over the next few weeks.

Didn’t get to attend the conference? Session recordings and materials will be available for purchase in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on Capital Notes and the blog for more detail.

Wisdom in the Desert
May 04, 2022

The 2022 Independent Conference & Expo officially kicked off today in Palm Springs. Attendees participated in committee meetings and networking events beginning with the AFSAPAC President’s Club event on Monday. AFSA members stepped… Read the rest

CFPB Invokes Authority to Regulate Nonbank Financial Companies
Apr 26, 2022

In a press release, the CFPB has announced that “it is invoking a largely unused legal provision to examine nonbank financial companies that pose risks to consumers.”

Under the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFPB has broad supervision authority, including:… Read the rest

Words Matter
Feb 28, 2022

Today, the CFPB released guidance regarding vehicle repossessions entitled Bulletin 2022-04: Mitigating Harm from Repossession of Automobiles.

While the guidance does not reflect a broad brush change in policy, the commentary surrounding… Read the rest

House Committee Holds Hearing on the Future of Banking
Oct 01, 2021

Yesterday, a House Financial Services Subcommittee held a hearing on how bank consolidation and the emergence of nonbank financial technology companies (fintechs) are reshaping the banking system. In recent years, fintechs have gained… Read the rest

Discussing All Sides of Industrial Loan Companies
Mar 16, 2021

Washington, D.C. may be operating under one political party at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, but that doesn’t mean only one side of public policy should be discussed.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened on March 12, when the Bank… Read the rest

CFPB Issues Final Debt Collection Rule
Oct 30, 2020

For the first time in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act’s (FDCPA) 40-plus-year history, a regulatory agency has issued rules under the statute.  

The new rulemaking, issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Read the rest

CFPB Issues Two NPRMs on Mortgage
Jun 24, 2020

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRMs) to amend the Ability to Repay/Qualified Mortgage (ATR-QM) Rule. The first NPRM would extend the sunset date for a temporary category … Read the rest

Looking Back at AFSA’s Success in 2019
Jan 09, 2020

AFSA’s federal government affairs team continued to be highly effective in advocating for the protection of consumer credit and choice in 2019. Below are just a few of the 2019 federal successes.

Rate Caps: Prevented legislation extending… Read the rest

Auto Finance chief executives set for AFSA conference
Jan 15, 2019

The chief executives of five auto finance lenders, representing captives and major banks, will participate in a panel discussion next week at AFSA’s annual Vehicle Finance Conference, capping off three days of deep dives and 30,000-foot… Read the rest

Just One Month until the 2019 Vehicle Finance Conference & Expo!
Dec 20, 2018

As 2018 continues to tick down toward the new year, we edge closer to the premier event for the vehicle financing community. The 2019 AFSA Vehicle Finance Conference & Expo will be held from January 22-24, 2019 at the Hilton Union Square… Read the rest

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