American Financial Services Association - Women’s History Month | Bethany Slomski-Rangel
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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Bethany Slomski-Rangel

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AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

What has been the most important lesson? 

The most important lesson I’ve learned stems from a profound piece of advice given to be by a General Counsel: “When you speak, people listen.” This simple yet powerful statement has become the cornerstone of how I approach my work and interactions. It serves as a constant reminder that my words carry weight and influence, not just in providing guidance or advice but also in shaping relationships and fostering trust. Embracing this principal has taught me the significance of not only delivering solid guidance, but also doing so with kindness and honesty. In a professional landscape where communication is key, this lesson has proven invaluable.

Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career?

Yes. Growing up in a family that owned a funeral home, I had the privilege of witnessing the compassionate and dedicated service my family provided to the community during their most challenging moments. Their unwavering commitment to supporting others with empathy and pride, left an indelible mark on me and instilled a deep sense of purpose and service. As I embarked on my career as an attorney, I was determined to find a way to incorporate that approach into my professional life. It was during this time, that I encountered a mentor who much like my family, emphasized the human aspect of every situation. She encouraged me that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable regulatory issues or legal challenges to approach my work with the principles of integrity and purpose, not just as a matter of legal strategy.

What do you wish the you of today could have told the younger you about building a career?

If I could go back and speak to myself about the importance of building a career, I would emphasize that hard work is equally as important as building strong relationships. While diligence and dedication are undeniably crucial, I have come to realize that the network of professional relationships we cultivate plays an equally significant role in shaping our professional journey.

Women’s History Month | Bethany Slomski-Rangel
Mar 08, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

What has been the most important lesson? 

The most important lesson I’ve learned stems from a profound piece of advice given… Read the rest

Women’s History Month | Heather Slyman
Mar 08, 2024

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry. 

My career started as a Programmer/Analyst at Boeing and later led to 21 Years in lending, 11 years of that in auto finance,… Read the rest

A Case for Rules of the Road
Mar 06, 2024

Across our country, American households have faced several years of challenging economic times. Inflation, while the rate is decreasing, has taken a serious bite out of everyone’s monthly budgets for such basic goods as gas and groceries.… Read the rest

AFSA on Colorado’s HB 1148
Feb 29, 2024

This week, AFSA’s State Government Affairs team sent a comment letter to the Colorado General Assembly regarding its HB 1148 on consumer lending laws.

In the letter AFSA raises concerns that if passed as drafted the bill will worsen access … Read the rest

This Week in Washington
Feb 29, 2024

It has been a busy week as legislators make the most of this year’s extra day. Surprise announcements, important roundtable discussions, funding deals, and legislative markups have ensured that Leap Week 2024 has not been boring.

The End Read the rest

Who Will Supervise the Supervisor?
Feb 27, 2024

Recently, the CFPB ordered federal supervision for an installment lender and another installment lender agreed to supervision. Federal supervision is unnecessary as traditional installment lenders are supervised in each state in which… Read the rest

Road to 2024: The Election Outlook | 2024 Independents Conference & Expo
Feb 27, 2024

Join the bipartisan polling team for NBC News’ national political survey for a fast-paced, engaging, and entertaining session on the latest insights and trends leading into this fall’s national and state elections.

SponsoredRead the rest

AFSA Education Foundation in Action
Feb 23, 2024

Last Thursday, the AFSA Education Foundation (AFSAEF) collaborated with the National Math Foundation (NMF) to host a webinar, Math Matters in Life: Personal Finance and Future Success.

Nearly 200 math and personal finance educators and… Read the rest

AFSA Promotes Financial Inclusion
Feb 23, 2024

This week, AFSA provided information to the Department of the Treasury on how our members are promoting financial inclusion for the American consumer. The Presidential Commission for Financial Inclusion at U.S. Treasury Department is… Read the rest

Champions Club Speaker Announced!
Feb 21, 2024

AFSA is pleased to confirm that two-time NBA champion, college All-American, and award-winning broadcaster Kenny Smith will serve as the 2024 Champions Club keynote speaker at the 2024 Independents Conference and Expo.

Known throughout

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