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American Financial Services Association

Premier Partner Highlight: RSM

Premier Partner Highlight: RSM

Premier Partners provide the American Financial Services Association with significant support to ensure the success of not only the association, but the entire consumer-finance industry. We asked the RSM LLC team, AFSA’s January 2020 highlighted Premier Partner, to provide insight into the industry and their AFSA membership.

What is the most important issue facing your company right now?

RSM US, LLP is the 5th largest public accounting firm in the United States and we serve public and private companies providing assurance, tax and consulting services. As it relates to AFSA, we have developed an industry team that serves the membership in the specialty finance sector of financial services. Our team works hard every day to provide industry-specific advice regarding issues and opportunities for clients, prospects and members of AFSA. We offer comprehensive solutions to pretty much all things financial in this industry segment.

What are some key trends your company is tracking?

We have closely followed the financial performance of the industry for over 30 years. Each year we prepare the AFSA/RSM Independents Financial Performance Survey. AFSA Independent members are among the highest performing companies in the industry and AFSA/RSM initiated this survey to allow investors, creditors and other relevant users to compare their individual financial results to those that perform at among the highest levels in the industry.

If you are interested in obtaining or participating in future surveys, please contact the AFSA staff. We are always looking for more participation.

Why did your company join AFSA?

We discovered AFSA as a premier industry association some 30 years ago. AFSA has a tremendous brand and membership and we are proud to be an 8-Star Business Partner with the Association. AFSA provides its Business Partners a broad range of opportunities to succeed. We are very proud of our Business Partnership with the AFSA.

How has being an AFSA Premier Partner benefited your company?

We value our relationship with the Members of AFSA and the AFSA staff and Board. We appreciate the opportunity to work with both the Association itself on industry matters as well as provide services to the valuable members of AFSA. AFSA continues to do a terrific job positioning AFSA Premier Business Partners to succeed.

March 17th, 2020

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