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American Financial Services Association

FCCs Passes Robocall Rules, Likely Includes Safety Valve

FCCs Passes Robocall Rules, Likely Includes Safety Valve

Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday announced that proposed rules governing robocalls would likely contain a “safety valve” in order to ensure that legitimate businesses like financial services companies can still reach consumers. The Commission passed the proposed rule this afternoon.

“We were looking to build a safety valve into our proposal. If there was a legitimate caller, we would allow the caller to file a complaint with the phone companies saying that you are inappropriately blocking my legal phone call,” Pai said during an interview with Fox News.

The original proposal did not have the safety valve language proposed by Pai.

AFSA has worked extensively with the FCC on the proposal seeking a dispute method like the one Pai proposed. The full text of the rule is not yet available. AFSA will review it carefully and update members appropriately.

June 6th, 2019

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