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American Financial Services Association

SGA Publishes Post-election Whitepapers

SGA Publishes Post-election Whitepapers

AFSA’s State Government Affairs (SGA) team this week published its series of post-election white papers, which provide relevant election results in state governor races, attorney general races, and state legislatures. In the midterms there were elections for 36 governor’s seats, 30 AG offices, 42 state Senates, and 45 state Houses. Across all levels, Democrats made significant gains. Democrats were able to gain 7 governor’s seats, 4 AG offices, and 6 legislative chambers.

The Republicans did not gain any Governor or AG seats and took control of only the Alaska House. Democrats gained trifecta control of six states: Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Nevada and New York. Republicans lost trifectas in Kansas, Michigan and Wisconsin after losing gubernatorial races and in New Hampshire, where Republicans lost control of both legislative chambers. Republicans gained a trifecta in Alaska. Minnesota is the only state of the nation with split legislative control.

Although the results generally favored Democrats, Republicans were able to maintain control of a handful of vulnerable governor’s seats such as Ohio, where the Democratic former Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Richard Cordray lost to Republican State AG Mike DeWine, and will likely maintain control over Georgia and Florida.

These white papers are also available under the State Resources section of AFSA’s website.

November 12th, 2018

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