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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Tracy Sandin

Women’s History Month | Tracy Sandin

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

What has been the most important lesson?  

In 1997, I earned my first major promotion after single-handedly defeating a piece of legislation in the California legislature—a move that earned me the nickname “Heat-Seeking Missile” among my Capitol peers. But there was a catch: the company wanted to promote me without a salary adjustment—something no male professional would have accepted. I refused the offer and called out the male-dominated insurance industry for thinking that was acceptable. As a result, I not only secured a substantial raise but also walked away four months later for a role where I could build my own government relations department from the ground up. To mark the moment, my mother gave me a lucite plaque that still sits on my desk today. It reads: “Behind every successful woman is herself.”  The lesson? Never accept the unacceptable—from others or from myself.

Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career?  

My first office job was as a secretary for my mother, who was the assistant administrator of a long-term psychiatric hospital. Her work ethic was unparalleled—she would stay late to ensure important tasks were completed correctly the first time. She set high expectations, especially for me, but the lessons I learned from her have served me well throughout my career. Through her example, I gained a deep appreciation for loyalty, honesty, integrity, and an unwavering work ethic—qualities that have shaped my professional journey.

What do you wish the you of today could have told the younger you about building a career? 

My younger self spent too much time caught up in “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” thinking—constantly second-guessing past decisions and replaying scenarios. In hindsight, that was wasted energy. If I could offer advice to my younger self, I’d simply say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Things have a way of working out in the end.”


March 11th, 2025

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