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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Education Foundation in Action

AFSA Education Foundation in Action

Last Thursday, the AFSA Education Foundation (AFSAEF) collaborated with the National Math Foundation (NMF) to host a webinar, Math Matters in Life: Personal Finance and Future Success.

Nearly 200 math and personal finance educators and others registered to learn practical insights for K-12 instructors and to strengthen the connection between math and personal finance in their classrooms.

Both AFSAEF and NMF staff shared information about their organizations and resources to help educators, including AFSAEF’s free MoneySKILL personal finance curriculum and NMF’s physical kinesthetic learning resources that support students’ learning and confidence. AFSAEF’s Director of Financial Education and Outreach, Olivia DiBiase, also presented the impact study which demonstrated MoneySKILL effectiveness. Other research highlighted the intersection of math and personal finance as complements and not competitors.

In addition, a panel moderated by Rhonda Ashburn, AFSA Education Foundation Executive Director, featured Laura Levine, President and CEO of the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and Dr. Barb O’Neill, owner/CEO of Money Talk: Financial Planning Seminars and Publications.

The panelists shared:

  • The state of students’ math impacting their ability to understand core personal finance concepts,
  • Creative, interdisciplinary methods to effectively provide students with financial education,
  • The evolving role of interdisciplinary education in personal finance, and
  • Recommendations for teachers who are seeking ways to introduce financial education in their classrooms.

AFSAEF and NMF will continue to collaborate and promote the webinar recording and resources offered to their networks. Additionally, both organizations have been invited to present at the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy Partners Meeting in April during Financial Literacy Month.

February 23rd, 2024

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