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American Financial Services Association

AFSA, Trades Seek ANPR Extension

AFSA, Trades Seek ANPR Extension

This week, AFSA along with 99 other trade associations representing a broad swath of the economy, wrote to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asking for an additional 60 days to provide comment on the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) prohibiting non-compete clauses.

Any rule governing non-compete clauses would have a drastic effect on the economy. Allowing for appropriate comment before publishing any proposed rule is crucial, allowing stakeholders to express concerns and suggestions.

Moreover, there are significant questions regarding the FTC’s authority to issue such a rule in the first place as well as the rule’s preemption over existing state laws.

AFSA will continue to track developments as this issue moves forward.




February 1st, 2023

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