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American Financial Services Association

May Featured Business Partner | Fortegra

May Featured Business Partner | Fortegra

The featured Business Partner for the month of May is Fortegra. Learn more at

What are some key initiatives for your clients in 2022 that you are planning to support? 

Fortegra client partnerships are exceptionally strong and invaluable. In 2022, we will continue to focus on supporting our clients in their offering of our valuable insurance and ancillary products. One benefit we have is improvements in the electronic loan delivery procedures that help ensure that every eligible borrower has the chance to protect their e-loan with Payment Protection Products offered through Fortegra. At Fortegra, we want to use technology to help improve efficiencies and processes for both our partners and their borrowers. We believe that by utilizing our product and compliance expertise, we can boost borrower understanding and acceptance through education, training, and marketing.

What’s the best part about being an AFSA Business Partner?

As an industry association leader, we utilize our AFSA partnership to stay abreast of State and Federal issues as we collaborate with our client base. This benefit trickles down and helps our clients stay educated and prepared for ongoing industry risks and challenges that together we can overcome.

What’s one thing about life and/or business that you have learned from your clients? 

Our clients continue to impress us with their resilience, professionalism, and most importantly, care for the borrower. When we hear from borrowers about how important credit insurance products are, we are moved by the service our partners provide by offering credit protection products and education on their importance. Two years out from COVID-19, we still hear from borrowers about the support our insurance products provided during the pandemic. And even though the effects of COVID-19 are fading in many parts of the country, credit insurance remains a key financial protection product. One borrower recently told Fortegra that Credit Involuntary Unemployment Insurance helped make sure they never missed payments while they were laid off from their job. Another revealed that Credit Disability Insurance helped them stay up to date on their loans after becoming disabled following a diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer. Despite our longevity in the credit insurance industry, stories like these are very moving and remind us of the value our partners provide to borrowers. When life happens, our products are there when borrowers need them most.

What might people be surprised to know about your company?

We look to empower and support our associates just as much as we want to support our clients. We have an employee resource group, Fortegra Network of Women (Fortegra N.O.W.). Fortegra N.O.W. was established as an employee resource group to foster diversity and inclusion within Fortegra. The organization promotes equal access to leadership positions for women in the insurance industry. Fortegra N.O.W. pursues this objective through networking opportunities, educational initiatives, mentoring programs, and policy that supports the unique needs of women in the workforce. With women frequently underrepresented in the insurance industry, we want to do our part as a company to help empower our female associates and leaders to reach new heights.

May 2nd, 2022

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