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American Financial Services Association

Woman Leader of the Day | Ginger Herring

Woman Leader of the Day | Ginger Herring

AFSA is proud to celebrate the crucial role female executives play throughout the financial services industry. From small companies to large, installment loans to vehicle finance products, female leaders are building the future of our industry. During Women’s History Month, AFSA will be featured just a small selection of some of the outstanding female leaders in our industry.  

President & CEO
1st Franklin Financial

Ginger is the President and CEO of 1st Franklin Financial Corporation, a family-owned business started by her grandfather in 1941. She is a University of Georgia graduate with a degree in Management, and a very active AFSA leader. Former Chair of AFSA’s Board of Directors, Ginger is the current Vice Chair of AFSA’s Women’s Leadership Council.

We asked Ginger what advice she’d give to her younger self, knowing what she knows now.

You do not have to know it all. Surround yourself with people you can trust, and who compliment your skills to build a team that is unstoppable. Never give up. Set a firm foundation that creates your non-negotiables, then find flexibility for all life has to offer. Always know your audience and be prepared. Never be sorry for who you are – being you is enough. Find gratitude, laughter and joy in each day and never waste a minute trying to change the past, just learn from it. Never underestimate kindness and always choose love.

March 7th, 2022

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