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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Advocating for Work from Home Flexibility

AFSA Advocating for Work from Home Flexibility

The American Financial Services Association‘s members have for more than a century believed that their success was built on the personal, face to face relationships they have built with their customers, sometimes generations of customers. But over the past few months, AFSA’s Work from Home Initiative  has been pushing for greater work from home flexibility for the consumer credit industry since the pandemic.

To date, AFSA has submitted 21 letters in 18 states advocating for greater flexibility for members of the consumer credit industry to establish work from home policies for their employees. Several more are currently under review by state associations.

Current law in most states require all consumer credit transactions to be conducted at the licensed place of business. The goal of this sustained effort is to extend and expand all work from home opportunities for AFSA members in all areas of consumer credit, as long as a high standard of consumer privacy, data security, and employee supervision is met.

AFSA continues to submit letters and meet with state regulators to ensure that a good balance between employee safety and access to high-quality credit is established nationwide.

AFSA’s Work from Home Initiative is seeking input from as many members as possible. If you are interested in joining contact Danielle Fagre Arlowe, Senior Vice President. All of the letters, along with AFSA’s comprehensive database of resources, are available on the AFSA website.

July 25th, 2020

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