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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Wendy Pratt

Women’s History Month | Wendy Pratt

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

*Credit to DE&I Council at Flagship*

Thinking back on your career this far, what has been the most significant challenge or barrier you have had to overcome?
I worked many years in this industry, and for a long time, it did feel like there was a glass ceiling. The barriers that women face are both inside and outside of the office. There are mental blocks that are very personal and need to be addressed by empowering women to take control of their careers through coaching, training, and mentoring. But there also are systemic-driven issues that need attention. I found that by leaning into other inclusive professionals, both men and women, I was able to push through. One of the many organizations I am involved with is the Women’s Leadership Council at AFSA, where they do a fantastic job of celebrating and mentoring women in the auto industry.

What are the benefits of having women in leadership roles?
Female leaders demonstrate more transformational leadership styles. They can bring a fresh perspective and greater diversity to leadership. Female leaders are often more empathetic which can result in a more collaborative work culture and can inspire creativity and positive change. Our goal should be to cultivate an environment where everyone feels safe to communicate thoughts and ideas, even unpopular opinions, because that is where growth happens. Being able to disagree and talk through both sides of an issue professionally is often how we find the best solutions.

What advice would you give the next generation of female leaders?
Embrace your superpowers! As women, we bring a different skill set to the table, so it is important to know yourself, recognize your strengths, and embrace your weaknesses. Focus on increasing your emotional intelligence. Women often have a greater empathy and a unique perspective that can help get a greater buy-in. We are well equipped to recognize strengths and skills in others and should be quick to uplift our fellow female leaders. I think the best advice that I can give anyone is to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. That is where growth happens!

March 22nd, 2024

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