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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Darcy Locke

Women’s History Month | Darcy Locke

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

Most Important Lesson
The most important lesson I’ve learned throughout my career is the value of resilience and adaptability. The financial services industry is fast-paced and ever-evolving, which means challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Embracing change and learning from failures, rather than fearing them, has not only helped me navigate through tough times but also propelled my career forward. This mindset of resilience and adaptability has been crucial in my leadership role at ACI Worldwide and during my time as Chair of the American Financial Services Association Board. It taught me that success isn’t just about achieving your goals but about how you adapt and grow along the journey.

Advice to Younger Self
If I could have a conversation with my younger self, I would emphasize the importance of patience, networking, and continuous learning. Building a meaningful career is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s vital to take the time to explore diverse opportunities, learn from different roles, and build a wide-ranging network of colleagues and mentors. I would also stress the importance of staying curious and continuously developing both professional and personal skills. The landscape of financial services changes rapidly, and staying ahead means being a lifelong learner. Lastly, I’d remind my younger self to always advocate for her values and vision, as these are the true north that will guide her through the complexities of any career path.


March 20th, 2024

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