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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Kim Gershon

Women’s History Month | Kim Gershon

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

What has been the most important lesson? 
Understanding it is ok to make a mistake.  It’s how you respond that matters. And to get out of my head. Things are never as bad as you think they are; understand you are on a journey that ebbs and flows.

Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career?
Yes. They told me to work on building my personal brand so that when I am not in the room, people are representing and talking about me how I want to be known.

What do you wish the you of today could have told the younger you about building a career?
Dare to be bold!  What I mean by that is don’t forget to use your voice and stand up for what you believe.

March 19th, 2024

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