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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Paper Highlights Calling Restrictions

AFSA Paper Highlights Calling Restrictions

AFSA’s State Government Affairs (SGA) team recently published its most recent white paper. This month’s white paper covers state calling restrictions. Many states have instituted restrictions on the debt collection calls, the time of calls, and the use of autodialers, among other restrictions. 

Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia maintain calling restrictions on collections activities. Of these, four states and the District of Columbia limit the number of calls a debt collector may make to a consumer. In addition, forty-three states and the District of Columbia have laws governing autodialer systems. The white paper provides an overview of the various types of state laws governing calling restrictions. It also takes a deep dive on how certain states’ restrictions differ with the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and Telephone Consumer Protection Act. 

The paper is also available under the State Resources section of AFSA’s website. 

April 7th, 2022

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