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American Financial Services Association

Woman Leader of the Day | Rochelle McClanahan

Woman Leader of the Day | Rochelle McClanahan

AFSA is proud to celebrate the crucial role female executives play throughout the financial services industry. From small companies to large, installment loans to vehicle finance products, female leaders are building the future of our industry. During Women’s History Month, AFSA will be featuring just a small selection of some of the outstanding female leaders in our industry.   

Rochelle McClanahan
Chief Financial Officer
Sun Loan Company

Rochelle is the Chief Financial Officer for Sun Loan Company, and also serves as the Chief Compliance Officer. She began her career in the financial services industry in 2006, and has accepted ever-increasing responsibilities with the company over the past twelve years. She has a strong operations background, which enables her to look beyond the financial statements and provide financial and compliance-related insight into operational initiatives. Rochelle has been active in AFSA since 2009, participating in the State Government Affairs Committee, Operations and Regulatory Compliance Committee, and as the former Chair of the Women’s Leadership Council. She currently serves on AFSA’s Board of Directors. She also holds a consumer credit compliance certification with the National Automotive Finance Association.

We asked Rochelle what advice she’d give to her younger self, knowing what she knows now.

Get comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. This is a skill that can be developed, but you have to invest the time and energy into overcoming this fear.

March 2nd, 2022

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