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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Supports Service Members and Vets

AFSA Supports Service Members and Vets

The American Financial Services Association yesterday submitted a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) supporting the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The letter highlighted AFSA members’ commitment to the well-being of our armed services, veterans and their families, noting the strong support by AFSA members for the goals of both the Military Lending and Servicemembers Civil Relief Acts. The laws offer protections for service members and their families to ensure those defending our nation can focus on the mission at hand.

To that end, the letter applauds Senator Inhofe for the committee’s rejection of an amendment that limited arbitration options or class action waivers.

“Such limitations would ultimately lead to costly, time-consuming, and adversarial litigation for service members and veterans that only serves to enrich the class action plaintiffs’ bar," wrote Ann Harter, Vice President of Congressional Affairs at AFSA. “Service members and veterans deserve the option to settle disputes through arbitration, a more expedient process where data shows that they would experience greater payouts. The courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have recognized arbitration as a fair and effective mode of settling disputes, and servicemembers deserve the option for quick and effective justice.”

July 3rd, 2020

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