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American Financial Services Association

CFPB Issues Two NPRMs on Mortgage

CFPB Issues Two NPRMs on Mortgage

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRMs) to amend the Ability to Repay/Qualified Mortgage (ATR-QM) Rule. The first NPRM would extend the sunset date for a temporary category of qualified mortgages sometimes referred to as the temporary Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) qualified mortgage category or as the GSE Patch.

The second NPRM would amend the definition of a permanent category of qualified mortgages sometimes referred to as the general qualified mortgage category. It is available here. The Bureau has provided unofficial redlines illustrating the changes that the NPRMs would make to the ATR-QM Rule and a summary of the proposed changes.

AFSA is reviewing the NPRMs to determine next steps.

June 24th, 2020

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