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American Financial Services Association

Member Alert | Disregard non-AFSA Solicitations

Member Alert | Disregard non-AFSA Solicitations

AFSA has become aware of several scam companies and individuals posing as AFSA staff members offering a variety of different professional contact lists. Many of the most recent messages offer discounted lists because of the need to cancel/postpone many meetings.

You should disregard these messages.

The best way to determine if an email message is from an AFSA staff member is to look at the FROM address – if it doesn't end with "," it is not from the association. If you do not recognize the sender's name from your interactions with AFSA, exercise caution.

If you ever have any questions about the legitimacy of an email commuication, please reach out to any AFSA staff member yourself.

April 27th, 2020

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