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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Members Stand with Neighbors Hit by Hardship

AFSA Members Stand with Neighbors Hit by Hardship

As California’s fire fighters continue to contain the state’s wildfires, residents in Northern and Southern California have begun to return to those areas that have been deemed safe to pick up the pieces and rebuild what was lost. Insurance may cover some of the cost, but often those in the path of fires, hurricanes or tornadoes turn to AFSA member companies to help them get their lives back on track.

And consumer credit companies answer that call.

Based on the results of surveys following previous natural disasters, including Hurricanes Harvey and Dorian, and man-made troubles, like the government shutdown, AFSA members go out of their way to help their communities get back to their feet.

Using the Federal Emergency Management Agency designation of disaster zones and by identifying affected consumers by zip code, AFSA members proactively activate disaster response plans. These include enhanced communication via email, text and phone to inquire what consumers may need in terms of financial assistance. Call center hours are extended and dedicated resources for consumers are activated. Additionally, consumers who already have loans or contracts with finance companies are offered a variety of tools to help them, including:

· Hardship adjustments

· Waiving late fees

· Waiving fees for deferment and extensions

· Rewrite programs

· Halting collection activities

A number of companies also make charitable donations and reduced-cost lending options to help their communities rebuild.

For more than a century AFSA member companies have been integral to their communities and the American economy. In both times of crisis and joy, consumer credit companies are there to offer products, services and assistance to help finance the American dream.

November 7th, 2019

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