American Financial Services Association - Marking Juneteenth 
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American Financial Services Association

Marking Juneteenth 

Articles by: AFSA

“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Juneteenth is a commemoration of the ideals of equality, justice, and freedom, which we strive to perfect for all. In America’s history there have been many moments of success and many moments of failure and disappointment. So, while we celebrate Juneteenth, we also mark it as a somber reminder that much work remains to bend the long arc toward liberty, justice, and opportunity for all. These are worthy goals that AFSA and its members are proud to live out every day. 

Marking Juneteenth 
Jun 19, 2023

“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Juneteenth is a commemoration of the ideals of equality, justice, and freedom, which we strive to perfect for all. InRead the rest

 Chopra Testifies
Jun 15, 2023

This week, Rohit Chopra, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), appeared before both the Senate Banking and the House Financial Services Committees to deliver the CFPB’s semi-annual report to Congress. In the hearings… Read the rest

Rate Caps Fail Illinois Consumers
Feb 02, 2023

Even in the sometimes-arcane world of academic research where biases were once frowned upon, it’s interesting to see how those biases have real world consequences.

Take, for example, the comments of Adam Levitin, a law professor and practicing… Read the rest

AFSA Members Respond to COVID-19
Mar 23, 2020

Below are some ways AFSA member companies are responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Many of our members have been fixtures in their communities for more than 100 years, and when you see the responses below you'll see why they are … Read the rest

Luntz Awes the Crowd at AFSA’s Vehicle Finance Conference in Las Vegas
Feb 13, 2020

The keynote speaker at AFSA’s Vehicle Finance Conference & Expo, Frank Luntz, was no where to be found at the start of his speech. Suddenly a familiar voice that has been on cable news air waves for over two decades, made his presence

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Military Personnel are Losing Financial Services Options
Dec 13, 2019

The Credit Union Journal published a story (subscription required) regarding a provision excluded from the final version of the House-approved National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The language would have granted banks the same Read the rest

AFSA Gets Into the Weeds on NDAA, Blunt Talk on FDCPA
Sep 27, 2019

The American Financial Services Association remained heavily engaged in key issues this week, submitting a comment letter on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and attending a House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) meeting… Read the rest

AFSA Opposes Un-FAIR Advantage for Plaintiffs’ Lawyers
Sep 20, 2019

The American Financial Services Association reiterated its opposition to Congressional efforts to limit the use of arbitration in contracts. AFSA strongly opposes HR 1423, the “Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act” Read the rest

AFSA Welcomes Jason Riley at Annual Meeting
Aug 21, 2019

The AFSA Annual Meeting is right around the corner, and we are pleased to announce that The Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley will be a keynote speaker to our attendees. Riley, an award-winning editorial board member of The Wall StreetRead the rest

AFSA Continues Strategic Expansion by Welcoming Ed McFadden as Vice President of Communications
Jun 12, 2019

WASHINGTON–()–The American Financial Services Association, the national trade association for the consumer credit industry, is pleased to welcome communications professional Ed McFadden as its new Vice Read the rest

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