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American Financial Services Association

AFSA White Paper Details COVID State Policy Responses

AFSA White Paper Details COVID State Policy Responses

The American Financial Services Association State Government Affairs (SGA) team yesterday published a COVID-19 state policy update white paper, the first of two covering state responses to the coronavirus outbreak.

The white paper provides an overview of policy changes states have implemented in response of the pandemic. In order to combat the spread of the virus, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have declared some type of state of emergency to activate available resources; many states have changed legislative session calendars to limit interactions among legislators. Many states are also taking steps to provide economic assistance to individuals facing hardship resulting from the pandemic.

The paper describes some of the consumer-credit policy changes states have implemented, such as mandatory fee waivers, payment deferrals, and moratoriums on repossession and foreclosure.

This paper, along with SGA’s other white papers, can be found on the SGA resources section of AFSA’s website. In addition, AFSA’s coronavirus resource page, updated continually, contains both state and federal tracking charts and advocacy materials. The next COVID-19 state policy update white paper will be released in early May.

April 17th, 2020

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