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BCFP Engages with State Officials

BCFP Engages with State Officials

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP) this week posted a blog saying it is emphasizing growing its state and local government relationships, as part of its Strategic Plan and Objectives for this year.

“The Bureau has strong working relationships with state regulators and elected officials, said Anthony Welcher, Policy Associate Director at the BCFP, who posted the blog.

Welcher said he recently spoke at the following state organizations:

  • National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus
  • National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) Communications, Financial Services, and Interstate Commerce Committee’s business meeting
  • American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force meeting

Paul Watkins, Director of the CFPB’s Office of Innovation, and Welcher also participated in a Rule of Law Defense Fund Attorneys’ General Fintech Forum discussing developing open environments to build innovative technologies that will provide U.S. consumers greater access to financial services products.

September 17th, 2018

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