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American Financial Services Association

Business Partner Webinar | Auto Finance Innovation: When To Build, When To Buy?

Business Partner Webinar | Auto Finance Innovation: When To Build, When To Buy?

Auto Finance Innovation: When To Build, When To Buy?

October 12, 2023 | 2:00 p.m. ET

Continuous digitization is a must in today’s world. But with limited resources, time and budgets, it can be tough to know what path to take. Should you build an in-house solution or partner with a vendor who has already done the heavy lifting?

Our experts at Lightico have been in your shoes and have spent years developing our cutting-edge digital solution for consumer lenders. We understand the challenges you face and have put together a webinar that will provide you with all the information you need to make the right decision for your organization.

During this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • The technical pillars required to establish a successful digital solution
  • The organizational considerations of total cost of ownership
  • The benefits of partnering with Lightico, including our unified platform and easy deployment across touchpoints
  • Real-world examples of successful digital transformations from captives, direct and indirect lenders

Join Victor George, Account Executive, for an informative webinar that will help you navigate the complex decision of whether to build or buy a digital solution for your auto finance organization.

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October 9th, 2023

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