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American Financial Services Association

Tackling Elder Financial Exploitation

Tackling Elder Financial Exploitation

The CFPB is hosting a five-part series of webinars highlighting new approaches for combatting elder financial exploitation.

According to the National Council on Aging, up to five million Americans are victims of elder financial exploitations each year, causing damages of at least $36.5 billion.

The five sessions will be moderated by Jenefer Duane from the CFPB’s Office for Older Americans and veteran elder abuse prosecutor, Paul Greenwood.

  • New Resources for Elder Fraud Prevention and Response Networks | February 1, 2:00 – 3:00 ET.
  • Promising Practices from Successful Elder Fraud Prevention and Response Networks | Part 1, February 8, 2:00 – 3:00 ET. Part 2, February 15, 2:00-3:00 ET.
  • Recovering from Elder Financial Exploitation | February 22, 2:00 – 3:00 ET.
  • Money Smart for Older Adults | March 1, 2:00 – 3:30 ET.

AFSA strongly supports efforts to protect Americans from bad actors, particularly those who would take advantage of senior citizens. AFSA and its members support any effort that ensures all consumers have the tools they need to safely use consumer credit products. Registration for the series is open and available.

January 13th, 2023

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