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American Financial Services Association

LISTEN | Philip & Dan Buy Cars Pt. 1

LISTEN | Philip & Dan Buy Cars Pt. 1

We’ve got an special series of episodes for you here on the AFSA Extra Credit Podcast. Over the next three episodes or so, I’ll be joined by my colleague Philip Bohi, AFSA’s VP of Compliance Education to discuss our recent purchases of new vehicles.

We thought, given our work with the vehicle finance industry and our undeniable gift to talk a lot, we’d go over our experiences and some of the things consumers should keep in mind as they head to the dealership. We’ve dividing our conversation into three parts:

  • In this episode, we’ll talk about the prep work you should take care of before heading to the dealership.
  • In our next episode, we’ll cover the process at the dealership.
  • Finally, we’ll chat about what to expect after you drive off the lot.

As we talk, we’ll include elements of our own experiences.

Listen today at the Extra Credit Podcast page or wherever you get your podcasts.

July 28th, 2022

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