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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Supports Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act

AFSA Supports Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act

AFSA strongly supports H.R. 1491, the “Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act,” and wrote urging the House of Representatives to pass this legislation as quickly as possible.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act rightly prohibits a debt collector from threatening a servicemember’s rank, security clearance, and prosecution under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. These are important protections that should be included in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The letter, addressed to the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Madeline Dean (D-PA), stated, “AFSA stands with you and with our country’s servicemembers in strong support of this legislation.”

We expect the bill to pass the House with bipartisan support.

March 11th, 2021

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