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American Financial Services Association

Changing Consumer Behavior is Stress Testing All Stakeholders’ Business Practices

Changing Consumer Behavior is Stress Testing All Stakeholders’ Business Practices

The automotive industry has faced its share of obstacles and uncertainty over the last 12 months, from the pandemic itself, the rush to implement digital retailing solutions and accommodating the consumer through new and redefined dealership best practices.

Join Jennifer “Jenn” Reid, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Market Scan Information Systems, as she illustrates through some recent consumer research Market Scan conducted. Reid will discuss how digital retailing is challenging all stake holders involved – manufacturers, retailers and especially lenders – to provide consumers a consistent experience across the journey, including information that can be used to transact online or in the showroom, which will require engagement and strategies executed much earlier in the process.

Reid will highlight the consumer pain points surrounding payment offer inconsistencies, including the impacts on affordability. Finally, she will discuss several critical best practices and how to work them into your lending strategies, from setting competitive market programs, navigating vehicle affordability, and overall portfolio management.

Join us on March 18th at 2:00p.m. E.T. for this educational session to help you set the right strategy and direction for the remainder of 2021 and beyond sponsored by Market Scan.

March 9th, 2021

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