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American Financial Services Association

Are you registered for the AFSA Conference next week?

Are you registered for the AFSA Conference next week?

There’s still time! AFSA has put together a stellar program that features great keynote presentations, engaging breakouts and fun, interactive networking events, like wine tasting and pub trivia. The conference will also feature AFSA’s business partner members presenting at the first all-virtual Expo Hall.

Combine AFSA’s great content with an easy-to-use, virtual experience and you’ve got your schedule for next Tuesday to Thursday locked in. On Tuesday, hear from Kristen Soltis Anderson along with some great sessions on working from home, debt collection and benchmarking. On Wednesday, enjoy remarks from Richard Cordray and a number of elected officials, as well as breakouts and roundtable sessions. On Thursday, get ready for a great conversation with Rohit Chopra and Cal Ripken Jr., along with some great sessions on fintech and credit reporting. Full the full schedule and bios here.

If you’ve already registered, great! We can’t wait to show you what we’ve developed and you should be receiving your “magic link” to get into the platform and look around in advance of the meeting soon. If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time. Visit today and register.

October 1st, 2020

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