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American Financial Services Association

Why Business Partner Members Join AFSA

Why Business Partner Members Join AFSA

The American Financial Services Association is the premier consumer credit trade association in the country offering its members support and services that help them to continue to offer their consumers reliable, high-quality credit access. AFSA business partners play a key role in helping the association do just that.

AFSA Business Partner members also realize a number if key benefits, including membership on AFSA’s, committees, and boards where the hard work is done each and every day. Business Partners are also part of a passionate, mission-driven group of like-minded individuals, whose goal is to support American consumers and grow their companies.

But don’t take our word for it.

SourceLink has been a member with AFSA for over 25 years. Senior Director of Business Development, Greg Hamby, says that “we consider our AFSA membership to be vital to our growth and success.” Hamby also praises AFSA’s networking and events to the growth of their company, “AFSA’s content ensures we not only understand the nuances of the consumer finance industry, but also understand the business situation and needs of our customers. The various events are well attended by member organizations and leadership who are engaged in learning about new solutions and ways to grow their business which has enabled us to form many new and long-term relationships.”

If you’d like to learn more about the value Business Partner Membership can bring your business, visit the Business Partner page on

August 12th, 2020

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