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American Financial Services Association

AFSA Supports APRA, But Not in Current Form

AFSA Supports APRA, But Not in Current Form

This week, AFSA joined other organizations in expressing concerns with the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) as drafted. AFSA supports a national standard for data privacy, but the legislation in its current form would not best serve consumers.

The letter highlights the importance of including full preemption in any national privacy framework. Full preemption is essential for protecting Americans’ data privacy and providing an environment for American businesses to continue innovating and creating jobs. Since 2018, the rapidly growing landscape of state-level privacy laws has created a fragmented patchwork of rules and regulations.

Resources that would normally go toward creating jobs, protecting consumers, and improving products and services are instead being spent on navigating these compliance challenges. According to a study by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, failing to pass a comprehensive and preemptive federal data privacy law will cost our economy more than $1 trillion over ten years, with $200 billion being paid by small businesses.

June 20th, 2024

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