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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Sarah Milovich

Women’s History Month | Sarah Milovich

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

What has been the most important lesson?
Don’t underestimate your abilities, but stay humble. It’s easy to feel that you are not ready or prepared for a seat at the table. But it’s important to be your own best advocate and recognize the value you bring. It’s also important to recognize that we all still have so much to learn – as both a leader and a teammate. Be open to opinions and be open to changing your mind.

Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career?
When I was in private law practice, I had a mentor early on who encouraged me that I was capable, even if I didn’t feel ready. That made an impact on how I operate today. Sometimes you can do all the preparation in the world but still not feel ready. “Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.”

What do you wish the you of today could have told the younger you about building a career?
Embrace and foster mentoring relationships early on. You will save time, energy, and scars if you learn from the mistakes / successes of others who have come before you.

March 26th, 2024

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