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American Financial Services Association

Women’s History Month | Robyn Jordan

Women’s History Month | Robyn Jordan

AFSA is celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring outstanding female leaders in the consumer credit industry.

I’ve spent the last 25 years leading the people organization across retail, supply chain, hospitality and most recently financial services (which has been the best so far)!

What has been the most important lesson?
Early in my career I was asked by a leader to broaden my scope and take on operations.  As a human resources professional, this was a big stretch for me!  Supporting operations has always been my passion, however being asked to lead it was a bit scary and I questioned if I had the skill and ability to be put in that role.  I quickly learned that if you are passionate about people and the business you can do just about anything with the right support.  Don’t be afraid to take on a new experience, even if you aren’t the expert.  There are smart people all around you and if you lean in, show humility and ask questions, people will help you.  Most important lesson – you don’t have to be the smartest person, however you should surround yourself with them – and then listen when they share thoughts and ideas.

Was there a mentor who provided great insight in your early career?
Yes!  I was very fortunate early in my career to have great mentors who believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.  She was a very successful real estate executive (which at the time there were very few in the industry) and I was in my first corporate human resources role at the same large real estate firm.   She was a positive role model and quickly helped me learn the industry through dedicated time and patience and showed me the importance of building a strong network (goes back to the important lesson – find the people who know the answers and learn from them).  She was the first strong female leader I had exposure to in my career and she shared insight I still believe in today – she said, to be respected and build trusted advisors you have to say what you mean, mean what you say and own it when it comes back your way.

What do you wish the you of today could have told the younger you about building a career?
I would say – don’t stress!  It is about the journey and not the destination.  Each stop you take along the way has a purpose and a reason, capture what that is and embrace and learn from it!  You won’t always get it right, however you will learn something from each decision… don’t be afraid to make them – take the risk when you can, it can be worth the reward!

March 18th, 2024

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