This is the association’s Annual Meeting for corporate CEOs, senior executives, and other professionals in the financial services industry. Educational sessions feature prominent industry executives and well-known speakers. Education sessions focus on compliance, legislative and operational issues/trends and topics relevant to specific market niches. Attendees are all levels of industry management including CEOs, COOs, CFOs, senior management from the financial services industry and professionals in the areas of compliance, legal, human resources, marketing, operations, risk management, state/federal government affairs, vehicle commercial credit and industry suppliers.
Previous Year’s Attendees: 2022 Annual Meeting Roster
All sponsor companies will receive the following benefits:
✓ Recognition in all promotional mailings
✓ Recognition on site at Opening Session, on signage, and in the on-site program guide and conference app
✓ Pre/post-conference roster of attendees
✓ Right of “first refusal” to sponsor same event / item at future meetings; Right of first refusal = 1 year or the following year’s conference; after which sponsorship can be sold to another partner
✓ AFSA website listing and company link
4 Complimentary Registrations; Complimentary Program and Website Ad; Website, Program, On-Site and Mobile App Brand Listing
2 Complimentary Registrations; Website, Program, On-Site and Moble App Brand Listing
1 Complimentary Registration; Website, Program, On-Site and Mobile App Brand Listing
50% off 1 Registration; Website, Program, On-Site and Moble App Brand Listing
Jenny Bengtson, Director, Business Partner Memberships, jbengtson@afsamail.org or call (202) 776-7304.